We're revamping the wiki content at the moment.
Because the RecapTime.dev Wiki is not only outdated but also badly needed a content refresh, we'll placing it under maintenace mode during the revamp. Expect major changes into how we organize the wiki, among other things. So, we'll be extending our uttermost apologies if links break or otherwise.
- Andrei Jiroh, Open-source Developer/Maintainer and SABDFL
Copyright information for wiki¶
Content contributed and written into the wiki is owned by respective authors under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, while code snippets in the wiki and the source repository itself as a whole is licensed seperately under Mozilla Public License, unless otherwise specified.
Contributors should agree to the Developer's Certificate of Origin and their edits should be aligned with the Community Code of Conduct, alongside being on-topic with the wiki's coverage.
License FAQs¶
If you have questions about copyright license of this wiki, visit the following FAQ pages for the respective licenses:
DMCA Contact¶
Our dedicated email address for DMCA takedown requests and other copyright-related inquiries is at
[email protected]
If you are looking for a direct contact with a team member, Andrei Jiroh Halili (which is not only our
SABDFL but also the wiki maintainer here) can be emailed
at [email protected]
or see other ways to contact them.
We prefer communicating over email (or other online methods), but if you need to mail something, please ask them first about their address if this is something you need.